01th Dec 2022
In Astrology there are 12 zodiac signs. Each sign has it's own Traits, Elements, Body Parts, Places, and Nature. In ...
In Astrology there are 12 zodiac signs. Each sign has it's own Traits, Elements, Body Parts, Places, and Nature. In this video there's a description about VIRGO OR KANYA ( AS KNOWN IN HINDI). You can connect it if your Moon Rashi or Lagna Rashi is VIRGO. Connect with me : Instagram - @aadrisageadvice Facebook - @Aadri SageAdvice E-mail - aadrisageadvice@gmail.com . For more information/query/Vastu and Astrology courses and Consultation. Contact : aadrisageadvice@gmail.com Or Visit : www.aadri.in
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